Band/Percussion Instructor Information

Start your beginner percussionists with our 3-octave practice marimbas

We’ve created an incredible service for instructors, parents and students with our 3-octave marimba rentals at $35/mo including free home delivery, maintenance, and pickup. 

To help ensure we purchase enough inventory, we ask that parents “request” their fall marimba rental as early as possible.  Once they complete the online request form, we’ll follow up the month they need it, have them activate the rental online, and deliver it to their home.  There is no obligation to activate the rental if they decide to go another direction.

Here are a few options to communicate the marimba request process with your percussion parents. The earlier they request the marimba the better.

1.  It is easiest to simply email the request form link  => as well as the month they’ll need the marimba.  Here is a link to preview the form if you’d like to see it.

2.  If you prefer a handout, download the half page or full page and print or email it to the parents along with the month they’ll need the marimba.

3. We can also send professionally printed handouts if you’d prefer.  Just contact us with your address and number you’ll need.

4.  When in doubt, send them to and we’ll help them through the process. We’ve made it super easy online and we respond quicky to emails if they need help.


Upgrade Advanced Percussions to 4.3-Octave Practice Marimbas

Our 4.3-octave marimba rentals at just $69/mo are extremely popular for advanced percussionists.  We are constantly purchasing more marimbas to meet the demand but somtimes we do have a short waiting list. 

If you are interested in offering our 4.3-octave practice marimbas to your advanced percussionists, you can send them to or download this handout for printing or emailing.   If we are out of 4.3s it will ask them to sign up on the waiting list and we’ll contact them when we have one ready for them.


When in doubt, send your parents to and we’ll take good care of them.

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